Everyone has a favorite season of the year. Mine is autumn, hands down.

The brisk morning air, falling leaves, clear nights, and the Sacramento in Fall blue sky. The blue is deeper, richer, and makes the sky seem bigger and closer than in any other season. And somehow in contrast, every other color seems to pop and glow. The blue this time of year is so deep, it’s more feeling than simply a color.

I walk this time of year to bring a smile to my face and a bit of the sublime to my soul.

Turns out this specific Indian Summer blue really is special. Check out the explanation and science behind why we see this particular blue sky this time of year here.

Growing up in Michigan I fell in love with the autumn sky. A couple of years ago I was tickled blue to discover this rare color exists in another season – in late January and February.

This winter, take a peek at the sky when you encounter a beautiful clear day…  you’ll see this intense deep blue sky again. As Indian Summer is an echo of warmer days, these winter blue skies are a promise of warmer days just round the bend.

Finding inspiration in odd moments, at odd times… it’s how to bring creativity and feeling to all we do.